Feature Requests for the Full Forest Treebanker

Possible ways to make the Full Forest Treebanker even better.

  • Show the probability mass of choices (WP)
  • If the string you have seen before is in the treebank (as a constituent), show what choices were made before (FCB)
  • Show the input sentence when you show the MRS (LM)
  • Treebank remotely (FCB), sort of solved with nginx
  • Include the ltdb url as a command line argument (FCB)
  • OR Read the location of the ltdb from the grammar

    • means adding some metadata to ACE
    • ltdburl, license, contact, url, grammar name?
  • Use ltdb for all types (FCB) new assets file sent to Woodley
  • Fix the ‘Is A Constituent’ method or remove it from the tool (FCB)
  • Better handling for items with no parse (some subset of the following):
    • Show which items have parses in the list
    • Include a next/prev button on the error page for items with no parse.
    • Skip to the next item with a parse when accept or reject is selected.
  • show the well-formedness
    • what is the correct thing to do for an ungrammatical sentence with no parse?
  • Memory leak over time
  • Bad behavior on items with lexical gaps
  • Show DMRS instead or with the MRS,for ease of assessing how good the parse is (OZ)


  • Include the port as a command line argument (FCB)

Last update: 2023-06-06 by Olga Zamaraeva [edit]