To ensure the compatibility of separately developed systems for working with DELPH-IN-produced resources, we should formalize the formats of files and structures used by multiple systems.


  • Provide a BNF representation of the syntax for each structure
  • Provide an interpretation of fields, values, etc.
  • Small Test set for implementers to test against
  • “Official” implementations follow the specifications rather than the other way around
  • Documentation for future delphinistas

Structures and Representations

[incr tsdb()]


  • Simple MRS
  • Indexed MRS
  • XML Later…
  • RMRS
  • DMRS




  • A wellformed mrs normally has information about types, information from the grammar
  • It is desirable that the hierarchy among mrsitems and predicates get to stand in hierarchical relation - different from in the grammar
  • Semantic hierarchy and grammar hierarchy are separate. For example: person-number is conflated as single property in the grammar, MRSs dont
  • How many grammars have a semi? ERG and NorSource. Jacy has an input to the transfer machinery.
  • Can a type hierarchy be shared between the grammar and the SEM-I? May be incompatible in principle.
  • One shouldn’t need a grammar loaded to do MRS manipulation.
  • Building two hierarchies in parallel is a little duplication of effort


The best action is to set up a page let people add info, mark it as proposal/draft, and request for comments

Last update: 2011-06-28 by PetterHaugereid [edit]