Grammar Engineering Frequently Asked Questions
How can I tell [incr tsdb()] to start with the directories for “home” and “skeletons” that I want each time?
Create a file called .tsdbrc in your home directory. (Your general home directory, not your tsdb home directory.) In that file, put the following two lines:
(setf tsdb::*tsdb-home* "< tsdb home directory >")
(setf tsdb::*tsdb-skeleton-directory* "< skeleton directory >")
… with the desired directories filled in. .tsdbrc is read whenever you start up [incr tsdb()].
Note that if *tsdb-skeleton-directory* is not set to a legitimate skeletons directory (with Index.lisp and Relations) [incr tsdb()] gets unhappy, and can experience mysterious errors.
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Last update: 2023-06-30 by EricZinda [edit]