Page Status

This page presents user-supplied information, hence may be inaccurate in some details, or not necessarily reflect use patterns anticipated by the [incr tsdb()] developers. This page was initiated by FrancisBond; please feel free to make additions or corrections as you see fit. However, before revising this page, one should be reasonably confident of the information given being correct.

This page is for listing wishlist items in [incr tsdb()]. Just because they are here doesn’t, of course, mean that anyone will implement them for you, but we hope that this page will serve as a focus for discussion.

  • Change the name to something more easily pronounced by non-TCL speakers.
  • Find a user base able to appreciate the beauty and simplicity in the software _and_ its name
  • An undo button when treebanking.
  • A way to create a skeleton from within the UI, rather than copying files around in directories.
  • Check the Relations file in Skeletons when the Skeletons root is set and give a user-friendly error message when it is out of date. Indeed, the fine system could even offer to update it to the current version.
  • Hybrid compare|detail and compare parses functionality: In the compare|detail window a button that would send all of the parses for a particular sentence from both the (g)old and new profiles, color coded so that (g)old-only, shared, and new parses could be distinguished. Requires a new version of the discriminants tool that does not rely on rebuilding the trees but works only from the derivations as stored.
  • Compare|detail under tsql condition not hiding numbers that don’t match. In particular, when tsql condition is unanalyzed and compare|detail is invoked, it would be nice to see the number of parses that were there in the other profile.
  • Canned queries for items which parsed in the (g)old profile but not in the new, items which parse in the new profile but not in the (g)old one, items which parse in both but have increased in ambiguity, items which parse in both but have decreased in ambiguity.
  • Ability to measure differences in spurious ambiguity, i.e., compare two profiles and determine for which items the number of distinct MRSs has stayed the same while the number of distinct derivations has changed. Or, even better, to detect items which are assigned the same set of distinct MRSs, using more or fewer distinct derivations.
  • Ability to trace MRSs from the Compare | Detail display (with Intersection = MRS) to the derivations that they are associated with.
  • Option under TSQL Condition for `error != “”’ to make it easier to browse well-formed items that gave rise to errors. (This is because lexical rule bugs usually manifest as errors, to [incr tsdb()].)

Last update: 2012-08-07 by StephanOepen [edit]