Course Pages for Courses Using the LKB
Göteborg University course on
- Formal Syntax and Grammar Engineering (Stephan Oepen and Lilja Øvrelid)
Stanford University courses on
- Grammar Engineering (Dan Flickinger and Stephan Oepen)
- Parsing and Generation (Stephan Oepen and Dan Flickinger)
Saarland University course on
- Practical Grammar Engineering Using HPSG (Frederik Fouvry, Petter Haugereid, Valia Kordoni, and Melanie Siegel)
- Introduction to Grammar Engineering with HPSG (Yi Zhang)
University of Washington courses on
University of Ghana, Accra course on
- Introduction to Grammar Engineering (Lars Hellan)
NTNU Trondheim course on
- Introduction to Grammar Engineering (Ola Huseth and Dorothee Beermann)
- HPSG Grammar Engineering (Petter Haugereid)
San Diego State University course on
Last update: 2011-10-09 by anonymous [edit]