• First, set up psql. This is discussed in LexDbPsqlInitialize.
  • The next steps are to initialize a database, populate it with lexicon entries and finally to tell the LKB to use this when you load a grammar. The database initialization described here is for multi user mode. The subsequent steps are similar for single user and multi user mode and are described in LexDbInitialize.

HOW TO initialise LexDB

You must create a new database to hold the LexDB. The LexDB-specific database structures must then be initialized. For the purpose of these instructions assume the LexDB will be called erg with LexDB config files ~/erg/lexdb.*; if you do not yet have a .fld and a .dfn file you must create these before proceeding (see LexDbFieldMappings); you also need a .rev file with which to populate the database.

  • At shell prompt (M$ Windows users will need Cygwin):
 $ cd lkb/lexdb
 $ bash erg ~/erg lexdb

(Note: The encoding for the lexical database will be set to UNICODE.)

  • You can view the field mappings in the field dfn just to make sure:
user@localhost:~/lkb/lexdb$ psql erg
Welcome to psql 8.3.5, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help with psql commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit

erg=> select * from dfn;
 slot  |     field     |              path              |    type
 id    | name          |                                | sym
 orth  | orthography   |                                | str-rawlst
 unifs | alt2key       | (synsem lkeys alt2keyrel pred) | mixed
 unifs | altkey        | (synsem lkeys altkeyrel pred)  | mixed
 unifs | altkeytag     | (synsem lkeys altkeyrel carg)  | str
 unifs | compkey       | (synsem lkeys --compkey)       | sym
 unifs | keyrel        | (synsem lkeys keyrel pred)     | mixed
 unifs | keytag        | (synsem lkeys keyrel carg)     | str
 unifs | ocompkey      | (synsem lkeys --ocompkey)      | sym
 unifs | orthography   | (stem)                         | str-lst
 unifs | pronunciation | (synsem phon onset)            | sym
 unifs | dialect       | (dialect)                      | sym
 unifs | type          | nil                            | sym
(13 rows)

HOW TO create skeletal (empty) LexDB

As above, but use an empty .rev file. This can be created with a shell command such as the following:

echo '' > lexdb.rev

HOW TO get the LKB to use the Lex DB

See LexDbInitialize

Last update: 2009-04-10 by AnnCopestake [edit]