
The LOGON tree makes a distinction between core components (a meager three gigabytes) and extra resources; see the LogonInstallation page for general installation instructions, and the LogonTop page for further background. Of these, the latter are not required for basic functionality but rather extend the LOGON tree with either proprietary third-party components (which can only be released to sites with appropriate licenses, typically members of the original LOGON consortium and external co-developers) or ‘bulky’ add-on resources, for example the LinGO Redwoods treebanks. This page provides information on which extra components exist in the LOGON SVN repository, and on how to activate these. In some cases, add-on components are only available for select releases; for the earlier HandOn release of the LOGON tree, please see the LogonHandon page.

Please note that, starting in November 2008, the extra mechanism is new and remains to be tested. The information on this page is thus expected to change more frequently than some of the more basic documentation.

A Note on SVN Access Methods

All access to the LOGON SVN repository is via the HTTP protocol, typically to the address http://svn.emmtee.net/. The repository makes available the open-source LOGON core for anonymous read-only access. However, some of the add-on components can only be made available to authenticated SVN users, for example members of the LOGON consortium who have obtained licenses for the XLE LFG system or Allegro Common Lisp. Thus access to proprietary LOGON add-ons is regulated by SVN user accounts, where the original CVS accounts (and passwords) of the LOGON core developers team have been imported into the SVN repository. Please contact Stephan Oepen (oe at ifi.uio.no) for all questions relating to SVN user accounts and access rights.

Due to what appears to be a quirk in how SVN handles mixed-access repositories (i.e. repositories where some content is available to anonymous users, while other parts require user authentication), LOGON co-developers with SVN user accounts should connect through a different URL, viz. http://logon.emmtee.net/, for example:

  svn checkout http://logon.emmtee.net/trunk logon

In fact, both URLs (svn.emmtee.net and logon.emmtee.net) connect to the same physical SVN repository, they only differ in how they handle authentication. We hope to be able to consolidate access methods as newer SVN server revisions become available. In the following examples, we use the environment variable $LOGONSVN instead of a specific SVN base URL; once installed (see the LogonInstallation page), the LOGON tree automatically sets$LOGONSVN to the appropriate SVN access method. Note however that, for those with valid SVN user accounts, it is always possible to uniformly use logon.emmtee.net as the base SVN URL. Thus, if you hold a personal SVN account, it is recommended to always use authenticated SVN URLs, even while installing the freely available core tree or non-proprietary add-ons.

Finally, the repository structure for add-on components reflects the distinction between tagged releases and the on-going trunk of development. Again, in adapting the example SVN commands suggested below, one may have to adapt directory names systematically (i.e. in ways that should be obvious), to reflect the choice of LOGON version currently installed. As of mid-2011, we will assume that users install the trunk release. The LogonSvn page provides instructions for using the SVN switch command to convert an existing local copy to another release, for example updating from the frozen Barcelona release to the cutting-edge trunk version.

(1) English Redwoods Treebanks (Public)

The core directory lingo/redwoods/ contains the environment for semi-automated parse selection (and, at least in principle, realization ranking and MRS re-ranking) experiments, using treebanked versions of the LOGON tourism and the WeScience corpora. In the core installation, this directory only contains the scripts and various configuration files for such experimentation, but not the actual treebanks or corresponding version of the ERG. To download the complete data, for example for the 1214 release of the ERG, execute the following:

  cd $LOGONROOT/lingo/redwoods
  svn switch --ignore-ancestry $LOGONSVN/extras/1214/lingo/redwoods

The SVN switch command makes a sub-directory of an SVN-controlled tree point to a different module from the same repository (i.e. it does not allow ‘mixing and matching’ across repositories). Please see the SVN documentation for further information.

(2) Japanese Hinoki Treebanks (Public)

Similar to the English Redwoods treebanks, there is a treebank of some 15,000 sentences of Japanese, parsed with the JACY grammar and manually disambiguated. To install the Hinoki treebank, replacing the stub directory that is part of the core distribution, run the following:

  cd $LOGONROOT/ntu/hinoki
  svn switch $LOGONSVN/extras/trunk/ntu/hinoki

(3) Test Version of the ERG (Public)

With most language pairs depending on the ERG for parsing or generation, updating to newer versions of the ERG is not (always) a straightforward step. For a transitory testing period, at least, it is possible to install the latest revision of the ERG in a separate directory, lingo/terg/. As the LOGON tree and the official DELPH-IN SVN repository share the same infrastructure, in fact really reside in a single repository that is accessible through several URLs, it is possible to dowload a recent ERG version as follows:

  cd $LOGONROOT/lingo/terg
  svn switch --ignore-ancestry $LOGONSVN/erg/trunk .
  flop english

Please see the LogonSvn page for instructions on switching between a tagged release and the current development head revision. With the right versions of everything in place, the following should work (and use the grammar in lingo/terg/):

  ./parse --binary --terg+tnt --best 1 --count 2 cb

(4) Allegro Common Lisp (Restricted)

The LOGON tree includes so-called run-time binaries, precompiled executable versions of the main LOGON software (which comprises the LKB, [incr tsdb()], and LOGON extensions). These run-time binaries are sufficient for grammar development (including transfer and realization), experimentation with the MT functionality, treebanking, web-accessible on-line demonstrations, and (we believe) MaxEnt experimentation. However, to make modifications to the Lisp (source) code of individual components or compile in additional software, a complete Common Lisp system is required. The LOGON tree is built using Allegro Common Lisp (ACL), and this is the only Lisp compiler that supports the complete LOGON functionality (this is mainly due to some parts of the LOGON system making use of Lisp functionality that is not part of the ANSI Common-Lisp standard, i.e. is not portable across Lisp implementations).

The directories franz/linux.x86.32/ and franz/linux.x86.64/ provide stubs for the site-specific installation of Allegro Common Lisp. The core versions of these directories only contain the configuration files used by LOGON developers to tune Allegro CL to their needs. For ease of installation, complete ACL packages for 32- and 64-bit Linux are available through SVN to authenticated users whose sites already hold a valid ACL 8.1 license. Use the following command to download the Lisp compiler:

  cd $LOGONROOT/franz
  svn switch --ignore-ancestry $LOGONSVN/extras/trunk/franz

However, even though we provide the base Lisp files (including all software updates provided by the original vendor) and customized Lisp binaries, you will still need to obtain the license files owned by your site. These files are called devel.lic and are provided by Franz Inc. customer support to the contact person at your site. Depending on your platform (32- vs. 64-bit, or both), copy your own devel.lic into the appropriate directory. For example, assuming a 32-bit installation:

  cp devel.lic $LOGONROOT/franz/linux.x86.32

To confirm that your license file is valid and compatible with the LOGON version of ACL (which is version 8.1, as of November 2008), consider running the following test (which should complete without error messages):

  cd $LOGONROOT/franz/linux.x86.32
  ./alisp -I base -e "(excl:exit)"

(5) [incr tsdb()] Skeletons for Penn Treebank (Restricted)

The [incr tsdb()] system supports importing treebanks in PTB ‘merged’ format into skeletons. For the WSJ portion of the PTB, there exist two sets of skeletons: the first set is organized by PTB sections and called wsj00 to wsj24. The second set provides the same data, but broken up into smaller profiles, each of a maximum of 500 items; these skeletons are called wsj00a, wsj00b, and so forth. To install the WSJ skeleton add-on, use the following command:

  cd $LOGONROOT/lingo/lkb/src/tsdb/skeletons/english/ptb
  svn switch --ignore-ancestry $LOGONSVN/extras/trunk/lingo/lkb/src/tsdb/skeletons/english/ptb

Only SVN users whose home sites hold a PTB license can be granted read access to this add-on component.

Last update: 2019-12-06 by StephanOepen [edit]