Page Status

This page presents user-supplied information, hence may be inaccurate in some details, or not necessarily reflect use patterns anticipated by the original LOGON developers. The functionality documented here may still change. This page was initiated by EmilyBender; please feel free to make additions or corrections as you see fit. However, before revising this page, one should be reasonably confident of the information given being correct.

Sample On-Line Demos

For several of the LOGON language pairs there are MT demonstrators; furthermore, there exist on-line demonstrators for several of the DELPH-IN grammars, viz.

Running a Web Demo

The script www, found in the root directory of the LOGON distribution (the value of the environment variable $LOGONROOT), creates web-accessible demos of parsing, generation, or translation systems. The script as distributed contains appropriate customization for all grammars distributed with the standard LOGON tree, for example:

  ./www --binary --erg --port 8888

The above should result in an on-line web demo at port 8888 of your web server. Note, however, that many firewalls block access to user ports, so at least for external access you may have to talk to the IT crowd.

The main web demo page is at the /logon subpath, so if you ran the above command on your local machine, the demo would be at and the web API would be at

Adding a Grammar

Assuming you want to create an on-line web demo for a grammar for which there is no pre-defined support in the LOGON tree, the following steps should allow you to customize the www script (and related files) appropriately. Say your grammar was called language:

  • add a command line option and startup code to the www script; Note that you can set the value of *www-title* to a descriptive string, for example

      (setf tsdb::*www-title* "UW Language LOGON On-Line Demonstrator")
  • create two additional files for each grammar:
    • lingo/lkb/src/tsdb/html/language.html: HTML boilerplate with information about the grammar;
    • lingo/lkb/src/tsdb/js/language.js: collection of sample sentences (in JavaScript).
  • make sure there are appropriate cpu definitions, i.e. either adding to

    dot.tsdbrc in $LOGONROOT or (preferably) using a command like push() in the per-user .tsdbrc to augment the list of pre-defined cpus. If your cpu definition requires a load file language.lisp, create that too.

Exporting Example Inputs from [incr tsdb()]

The file language.js can be created from an existing [incr tsdb()] profile, using the profile database to select those examples that you want to be accessible (from the Sample button) in the on-line web demo.

First, select the [incr tsdb()] profile you want to work from in the [incr tsdb()] podium. Then, in the Common Lisp buffer (in the tsdb package), do something like the following:

      for item in (analyze *tsdb-data*
                   :condition "readings > 0 && readings < 10 && i-length < 10")
      do (let ((i-id (get-field :i-id item))
               (i-input (get-field :i-input item))
               (readings (get-field :readings item)))
            "  { id: ~a, item: \"~a\", readings: ~a},~%" 
            i-id i-input readings)))

The condition string should be customized to select the examples you want for the sample data file. The format string matches what is required by the JavaScript syntax of language.js.

Other Observations

A few other quirks we noted setting this up at UW:

  • The user starting the demo has to have write (not just read) permission on the grammar. (At UW, we have a separate user for this web process, which means we end up making the grammar group writable.)
  • There of course has to be a ~/tmp/ directory; the standard LOGON configuration (see the LogonInstallation page) should have seen to this.
  • The PVM daemon pvmd3 has to be running (I would expect the [incr tsdb()] machinery to take care of starting PVM, if necessary. oe, 08/11/30)

Some other tips for troubleshooting:

  • If you get an error about an undefined function WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT, make sure you use the –binary option
  • If the grammar loads but the server fails to receive requests, you might try stopping the server and restarting before digging deeper
  • If you do not provide the –port option, the default port depends on the grammar used; read the $LOGONROOT/www script to find out which is used by your selected grammar

LaTeX Style Files

The LaTeX export from these demonstrators assumes a set of custom macros for MRS formatting (mrs.sty), and further the standard LaTeX package qtree.sty, for the syntax trees. Note that mrs.sty assumes relsize.sty has been loaded, and qtree.sty requires pict2e.sty (which it will load automatically).

Last update: 2019-03-26 by MichaelGoodman [edit]