
This document describes how to perform batch generation within LOGON. In extension of this it also describes how to produce a generation treebank on the basis of an existing parsing treebank. We first give a step-by-step descripton of how to do this using only menu choices from the [incr tsdb()] podium. Then we show how the same steps can be carried out from the command line, using the generate script provided in the LOGON source tree (i.e. $LOGONROOT/generate).

Using the Menu Options

For the podium approach, there are two main steps; 1) generate and 2) update. In the first step we exhaustively generate all “paraphrases” for the input MRS. In the update step we identify and label the references among these alternative realizations by matching them against the references in the original parse treebank.

(1) Generation

  • Load the grammar: (from the LKB top window) Load | Complete grammar (and choose for example logon/lingo/erg/lkb/script to load the latest ERG version)
  • Initialize the generator: (from the LKB top window): Options | Expand menu, and then Generate | Index
  • Select appropriate skeletons (e.g. English ones): (from the [incr tsdb()] podium) Options | Skeleton Root
  • Select the skeleton you want to process and create the target profile: File | Create
  • Select the corresponding gold profile (assumed to be thinned, i.e. containing MRSs for the preferred parses).
  • Select generation as batch processing mode: Process | Switches | Generation
  • Optionally set the maximum number of edges (e.g. 50000): Process | Variables | Chart size limit
  • Launch the generator: Process | All Items

(2) Update

In this step we identify and label the references among the newly generated sets of paraphrases. First we set some switches controlling how the realizations are matched against the references of the original parse treebank:

  • Trees | Switches | Update Exact Match
  • Trees | Switches | Preterminal Yield

Then, to perform the labeling step, execute Trees | Update

PS: Some [incr tsdb()] parameters that are relevant for the matching (labeling) of references include the following:

  • *redwoods-update-exact-p*,
  • *derivations-comparison-level*, and
  • *derivations-yield-skews*.

Using the Command Line Script

The procedure described above can also be performed by using the $LOGONROOT/generate script.

  ./generate --binary mrs

The first, skeleton argument to generate should name the skeleton you want to use for the new target profile that will be created. We document the available command-line options below, as well as some related and relevant Lisp variables.

  • –source or –binary
    compile the LOGON system from source (the default) or use the pre-compiled run-time binaries.
  • –suffix string
    append string to the name for the newly created profile (e.g. when more than one run per day needs to be recorded).
  • –jacy or –gg
    changes the grammar from the default ERG and sets the appropriate language for skeletons correspondingly.
  • –gold profile
    specify the gold profile (the default being gold/grammar/skeleton).
  • –update
    do not perform the update step (i.e. automatically identifying and labeling references).
  • –count n
    parallelize processing and start-up n full instantiations of the parser client.
  • –limit n
    sets *tsdb-maximal-number-of-results*.
  • –best n
    sets *tsdb-maximal-number-of-analyses* (activating n-best selective unpacking).

PS: In order to control the maximum number of edges allowed in the chart during generation, look for *tsdb-maximal-number-of-edges* in the generate script (the current default is 100,000)).

Last update: 2011-10-09 by anonymous [edit]