
Batch parsing for LOGON is the process of sending a collection of inputs (often termed test items) through the analysis component, collecting a range of metrics of grammar and system behavior in the [incr tsdb()] database.

In the standard LOGON set-up, the [incr tsdb()] cpu definition that instantiates the standard ERG parsing client (including unknown word handling) is termed :erg+tnt. Thus, the Lisp command

  (tsdb:tsdb :cpu :erg+tnt :task :parse :file t)

will create a new process that runs the parser (i.e. PET loaded with the ERG, and calling out to the TnT PoS tagger to aid unknown word handling).

Once loaded, the client will register itself with the [incr tsdb()] server, e.g.

  wait-for-clients(): `ld.uio.no' registered as tid <40044> [1:40].

In order to interactively run batch parsing from the [incr tsdb()] podium, first create a target profile, i.e. a new [incr tsdb()] database to record the results of batch processing. Typically, this can be achieved by means of the File | Create menu, which provides a choice of pre-defined data sets (termed test suite skeletons, as they provide the test material but no processing results yet). See below for extra functionality that allows batch processing from a plain textual input file. Executing the File | Create menu command will prompt for a new database name (suggesting a name based on the skeleton, processing engine and grammar and current date) and then add a new profile entry to the list of profiles showing in the [incr tsdb()] podium.

Assuming the target profile is selected in the podium window (i.e. highlighted), make sure that Process | Switches is set to Parsing and then execute one of the processing commands, e.g. Process | All Items.

Invoking Everything from the Command Line

A streamlined way of running [incr tsdb()] batch parsing is by means of the LOGON parse script. The script resides in the top-level LOGON directory $LOGONROOT and is invoked from a command shell, e.g.

  $LOGONROOT/parse --erg+tnt mrs

The batch parse script requires a functional LOGON installation (please see the LogonInstallation page, for background information) and will first load up the [incr tsdb()] environment and then configure one or more parsing clients. As a result of running the parse script, a new [incr tsdb()] profile will be stored in the [incr tsdb()] profile repository, and a log file will be generated in the user home directory. For the example command above, the profile will be called erg/mrs/05-11-16/xle (assuming the current date was November 16, 2005), with its corresponding log file mrs.parse.05-11-16.log.

Using the core LOGON tree (without a full Allegro Common Lisp), it is necessary to request the LOGON system to use its pre-compiled run-time binaries (by virtue of the –binary command line option). By default, the LOGON tree sets the [incr tsdb()] skeleton directory to English (as of sometime in 2010; earlier, the default used to be Norwegian). The ‘Options|Skeleton Root’ menu command in the [incr tsdb()] podium can be used to change the set of available skeletons interactively. The batch parse script, on the other hand, will select the appropriate language based on the choice of analysis grammar used.

To parse a file in textual input format using the German Grammar, for example, the following command could be used:

  ./parse --binary --gg --text ./dfki/gg/data/mrs.deen.txt

Command-Line Synopsis

The LOGON parse script has a number of command line options that facilitate a limited amount of customization. Note that the script is not very robust in its option parsing, i.e. it is vital to spell everything exactly right (the script may just hang, when giving incorrect option names).

  • –binary (which requires no argument) builds on the precompiled LOGON run-time binaries, instead of loading [incr tsdb()] from source (the default);
  • –reset (no argument) performs a complete restart of the PVM daemon (on the local host) use this option with care, as it will terminate other [incr tsdb()] jobs on the same host;
  • –count n parallelizes processing and start-up n full instantiations of the parser client;
  • –suffix string appends string to the name for the newly created profile, e.g. when more than one run per day needs to be recorded;
  • –target string sets the name of the newly created profile to string, rather than letting [incr tsdb()] assign a name based on the specific configuration used and current date;
  • –best n enables n-best parsing (e.g. selective unpacking, in clients that support it), with a maximum of n results;
  • –limit n imposes an upper bound on the number of analyses recorded; in n-best mode (i.e. in combination with –best), a value of 0 will suppress result recording; in exhaustive mode, however, a limit of 0 is interpreted as recording of all available analyses.
  • –gold string sets the name of the ‘gold’ profile (relevant to post-parsing operations like –update or –compare, see below for details) to string;
  • –update (no argument) invokes an automated Redwoods treebank update after parsing, using the ‘gold’ profile as its source;
  • –thin (no argument) applies a Redwoods thinning step (after the automated treebank update), writing into a secondary profile with the suffix .1 appended to the ‘target’ profile name;
  • –compare string performs an in-depth comparison (equivalent to the interactive [incr tsdb()] command ‘Compare | Detail’) against the ‘gold’ profile (see below);
  • –compress (no argument) compresses the profile (all non-empty database files) after parsing (and treebank updating, where applicable);
  • –text (no argument) toggles the input source to a plain-text test item file (see below), rather than a pre-existing [incr tsdb()] skeleton.

Thus, a command like:

  ./parse --norgram --text --suffix ".42" /tmp/avis.txt

will import test items from the file avis.txt in the /tmp/ directory into a new [incr tsdb()] profile (called norgram/avis/05-11-16/xle.42) prior to batch processing. While batch parsing from textual input files adds flexibility, it is often desirable to freeze frequently used data sets as [incr tsdb()] skeletons, so as to make sure that a stable version of a data set is readily available from the File | Create menu.

Available Pre-Defined Parsing Clients

  • –norgram the default client, using NorGram, not supported in –binary mode; this client definition depends on availability of the XLE system and Allegro Common Lisp.
  • –erg or –erg+tnt the English Resource Grammar, optionally using TnT for input pre-processing and unknown word handling; this client uses PET for parsing.
  • –gg the German Grammar; this client (for the time being) uses the LKB parser.
  • –jacy or –jacy+chasen the Japanese Grammar, optionally using ChaSen for input segmentation, morphological analysis, and PoS tagging; this client uses PET.
  • –srg the Spanish Resource Grammar, always using FreeLing for input pre-processing and morphological analysis; this client uses PET.

Test Item Textual Input

When using the –text option to the LOGON parse script or the [incr tsdb()] File | Import | Test Items command, processing will first construct the target profile from an ASCII input file, essentially a newline-separated list of test items (always using, in LOGON at least, UTF-8 encoding).

Following is an example textual input file comprising three test items:

  Vi skal møte Ask på mandag.
  Ta båt til Ortnevik.
  Tar du båten til Ortnevik, kan du gå stien samme dagen.

Since we are running this on Unix, it is important to produce Unix-style linebreaks, i.e. either create the file in a Unix environment itself or make sure the linebreaks are ^L (linefeed) and not ^M (carriage return).

Batch Parsing Log File Format

During batch parsing, a condensed summary of processing results for each input item is written to the standard output (and also to the log file, which is named after the specific configuration used and current date. Chapter 4 in the (draft) [incr tsdb()] Reference Manual provides a discussion of the syntax (although some additional fields may have been added since the late 1990s).

Semi-Automated Regression Testing

The LOGON parse script can be used to partially automate regression testing, for example when making changes to a processing client like PET. Assuming a functional (and up-to-date, as of at least August 2011) LOGON installation, a command like the following can be used to establish a point of comparison (adjust the –count value to the number of cpus you have available)

  $LOGONROOT/parse --binary --reset --erg --count 4 mrs

In general, the next step would be to invoke a different configuration on the same data, and compare the results in depth. For use with PET, the LOGON environment includes precompiled binaries (which are used in the predefined cpus), and the above command will by default use the current stable binary. For comparison to a binary external to the LOGON tree (e.g. the result of locally compiling a modified PET source tree), the parse script (or, strictly speaking, the LOGON wrapper for PET: $LOGONROOT/bin/cheap) can be made to use a different binary. This is accomplished by setting the environment variable $LOGONCHEAP to a suitable value, for example

  LOGONCHEAP=~/src/pet/repp/debug/cheap/cheap \
    $LOGONROOT/parse --binary --reset --erg --count 4 \
      --suffix ".n" --gold magic --compare pedges,readings \

In the above command, the reserved value magic to the –gold option will determine the value of the ‘gold’ profile dynamically, viz. as the name of the (new) ‘target’ profile, stripped of the –suffix value. Alternatively, one could provide the full name of an existing ‘gold’ profile, of course, for example gold/erg/mrs. A clean ‘bill of health’ for the comparison will record no differences, e.g.

    `erg/1010/mrs/11-08-04/pet' vs `erg/1010/mrs/11-08-06/pet.n'
    on {`pedges' `readings'} with [`readings' `total']:

  compare-in-detail(): 0 differences.

In contrast, when there are differences in at least one of the files to be compared, the item identifier and string for all mismatches are printed out, one per line, followed by pairs of values for the active fields. For example, when comparing just the number of readings and using the number of passives edges and total parse times for decoration (the default), one might obtain a result like the following:

    `erg/trunk/cb/11-08-07/pet.tmr' vs. `erg/trunk/cb/11-08-12/pet.native'
    on {`readings'} with [`pedges' `total']:

    [2000] |No longer was I just contemplating ...| {384} {480} [3145 0.59] [3358 0.67]
    [5000] |The rc (control) file syntax includes optional `noise' keywords ...| {500} {152} [1916 0.40] [1384 0.40]
    [6170] |We may view Linus's method as a way ...| {57} {500} [49790 60.01] [50179 53.02]
    [6330] |On Management and the Maginot Line| {18} {40} [191 0.06] [294 0.07]
    [6760] |This answer usually travels ...| {40} {0} [53096 60.00] [50265 60.00]
    [7680] |De Marco and Lister cited research ...| {7} {0} [38624 59.99] [38222 59.99]

  compare-in-detail(): 6 differences.

Here, the timing figures (final in each of the square bracket pairs) suggest that items #6170, #6760, and #7680 run into the (default) 60-second timeout; thus, their reported numbers of readings cannot be compared meaningfully. The remaining differences, on the other hand, probably would warrant closer inspection.

Note that the PVM daemon (that is created for each run of the parse script, unless there is an existing daemon running in the background) preserves its calling envionment, in this case the $LOGONCHEAP variable. Thus, to avoid confusion down the road, it is vital to either force-shutdown the PVM daemon after completion of the above command (using, for example, the make reset target in $LOGONROOT), or simply to remember to include the –reset option in the first invocation of the parse script following the use of the $LOGONCHEAP variable (which will then shutdown the PVM daemon from the previous run).

The in-depth comparison of parsing results (using the pedges and readings fields, in the above example) will print out one line per item, where either of the fields show different values across the two profiles.

Last update: 2014-07-24 by StephanOepen [edit]