
As is documented in the LOGON EAMT 2005 article (Oepen, et al., 2005), batch fan-out is a central facility in development, regression testing, and end-to-end evaluation. Internally, batch fan-out mode deploys [incr tsdb()] facilities in a layered fashion, i.e. the top layer is comprised of one or more [incr tsdb()] clients that perform translation, and each client internally uses [incr tsdb()] to decompose itself into the trinity of parsing, transfer, and generation. [incr tsdb()] failure detection and roll-over apply at both layers, i.e. as a component terminates unexpectedly, it will be automatically restarted. Depending on the value of the [incr tsdb()] parameter *process-client-retries* (default: 0), the item that caused failure may or may not be re-scheduled for processing, until the maximum number of retries is exhausted. Likewise, all standard [incr tsdb()] options for distributed and parallel processing apply to bach fan-out.

In the standard LOGON set-up, the [incr tsdb()] cpu definition that instantiates the top-level Norwegian–English translation client is termed :logon. Thus, a command like

  (tsdb:tsdb :cpu :logon :file t)

will create the four interconnected processes needed for batch translation, i.e. one parsing, transfer, and generation client each, plus the top-level controller. Once loaded, the client will register itself; e.g.

  wait-for-clients(): `ps.titan.uio.no' registered as tid <40044> [1:40].

In order to run batch fan-out from the [incr tsdb()] podium, toggle Process | Switches to Translation and then execute one of the processing commands, e.g. Process | All Items. Fan-out depth, in this mode, is controlled by the value of Process | Variables | Analyses Limit, where a value of, say, 20 would restrict fan-out at each level to at most twenty hypotheses that are pursued in downstream processing (see the –limit command line option to the batch script).

A streamlined way of running [incr tsdb()] batch fan-out is by means of the LOGON batch script. The script resides in the top-level LOGON directory $LOGONROOT and is invoked from a command shell, e.g.

  $LOGONROOT/batch vei

The fan-out batch script requires a functional LOGON installation (see separate instructions: LogonInstallation) and will first load up the [incr tsdb()] environment and then configure one or more translation clients. As a result of running the batch script, a new [incr tsdb()] profile will be stored in the [incr tsdb()] profile repository, and a fan-out log file will be generated in the user home directory. For the example command above, the profile will be called logon/vei/05-09-26 (assuming the current date was 26-sep-05), with its corresponding log file logon.vei.05-09-26.fan.

As of LOGON 0.5 (knut), the default behaviour of the batch script changed slightly: as batch is using [incr tsdb()] facilities internally, it assumes that by default the intention is to process an [incr tsdb()] skeleton. Thus, the command in the above example will operate on the vei skeleton (for which there is no ASCII fan-out input file, actually). To obtain the alternate way of provding input to the batch script, viz. process an input file in textual fan-out input format (see below), do the following:

  $LOGONROOT/batch --ascii $LOGONROOT/ntnu/data/mrs.txt

There will be more to say on the batch script, but a few (new) options may be relevant immediately: –count n will parallelize processing and start-up n full instantiations of the LOGON pipeline; –limit n will prune the fan-out space to at most n alternatives that, at each stage (i.e post-analysis and -transfer) get passed on downstream; and –suffix string will append suffix to the name for the newly created profile, e.g. when more than one run per day needs to be recorded. There actually is a default value for the –limit option of (currently) 5. Thus, in order to get full fan-out (if you really think you have the cpu cycles :-), use –limit 0. As of March 2006, the –count option is disabled due to issues in robust client restarts with parallelization (LOGON PR itsdb/323).

Note that option processing to the batch script is not very robust; hence, please make sure you get the option syntax exactly right.

Fan-Out Textual Input

When using the –ascii option to the LOGON batch script or the [incr tsdb()] File | Import | Bi-Text Items command, processing will first construct the target profile from a textual fan-out input file, essentially a sentence-aligned bi-text.

Following is a sample input file to the batch script in –ascii mode:

  Vi skal møte Ask på mandag.
  Vi shall meet Abrams on Monday.
  We should meet Abrams on Monday.

  Ta båt til Ortnevik.
  Take the boat to Ortnevik.
  Take a boat to Ortnevik.

  Tar du båten til Ortnevik, kan du gå stien samme dagen.
  If you take the boat to Ortnevik, you can walk the path the same day.
  If you take the boat to Ortnevik, you can walk the path on the same day.

The file format is a sequence of blocks; each block has the Norwegian input on the first line, followed by zero or more lines with reference translations. Blocks are separated from each other by two consecutive newlines. Since we are running this on Unix, it is important to produce Unix-style linebreaks, i.e. either create the file in a Unix environment itself or make sure the linebreaks are ^L (linefeed) and not ^M (carriage return). The character encoding of ASCII fan-out input files needs to match the default coding system of the translation system; for all current configurations, this is UTF-8. Incidentally, LOGON should obtain reasonable coverage on the above sample file and stellar BLEU scores.

Fan-Out Log File Format

Running the batch script, whether in –ascii or default mode will create a fan-out log file, providing detailed information about processing results. For each of the Norwegian sentences from the input file, there will be one block of lines like these:

  [14:24:29] (10) |Vi skal møte Ask på mandag.| --- 8 (2.45|0.00:2.41 s) <:> () [0].
  |-[3.28] # 0 {0.09} --- 2 (0.06|0.00:0.00 s) <:14> (832.9K 22.6M = 23.4M) [0].
  | |
  | |-[7.28] # 0 {-2583.76} --- 1 (0.88|0.00:0.88 s) <83:1194> {3674:1155} (7.1M 553.0M = 560.1M) [0].
  | |   |We should meet Abrams on Monday.| {-53.87|-55.97|0.00|-4.60|-4.44} <1.00>
  | |
  | |-[8.16] # 1 {-2696.24} --- 1 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <83:1194> {3674:1155} (6.5M 505.7M = 512.2M) [0].
  | |   |We must meet Abrams on Monday.| {-53.34|-56.58|0.00|-5.45|-5.36} <0.49>
  |-[8.31] # 1 {0.04} --- 2 (0.06|0.00:0.00 s) <:14> (815.2K 22.4M = 23.2M) [0].
  | |
  | |-[10.32] # 0 {-2583.76} --- 1 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <83:1194> {3674:1155} (6.5M 711.0M = 717.6M) [0].
  | |   |We should meet Abrams on Monday.| {-53.87|-55.97|0.00|-4.60|-4.44} <1.00>
  | |
  | |-[11.13] # 1 {-2696.24} --- 1 (0.79|0.00:0.78 s) <83:1194> {3674:1155} (6.5M 720.0M = 726.5M) [0].
  | |   |We must meet Abrams on Monday.| {-53.34|-56.58|0.00|-5.45|-5.36} <0.49>
  |-[11.21] # 2 {0.00} --- 1 (0.04|0.00:0.00 s) <:10> (582.4K 15.2M = 15.8M) [0].
  | |
  | |-[13.21] # 0 {-2583.76} --- 1 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <83:1194> {3674:1155} (6.5M 720.3M = 726.8M) [0].
  | |   |We should meet Abrams on Monday.| {-53.87|-55.97|0.00|-4.60|-4.44} <1.00>
  |-[13.31] # 3 {-0.04} --- 2 (0.06|0.00:0.00 s) <:14> (819.5K 22.6M = 23.4M) [0].
  | |
  | |-[13.86] # 0 {-2523.60} --- 1 (0.53|0.00:0.52 s) <75:708> {2151:692} (5.1M 461.1M = 466.3M) [0].
  | |   |We should meet Abrams on Monday.| {-53.87|-57.16|1.60|-4.60|-4.44} <1.00>
  | |
  | |-[14.69] # 1 {-2633.46} --- 1 (0.52|0.00:0.51 s) <75:708> {2151:692} (5.1M 460.8M = 466.0M) [0].
  | |   |We must meet Abrams on Monday.| {-53.34|-57.90|1.60|-5.45|-5.36} <0.49>
  |-[14.77] # 4 {-0.05} --- 1 (0.03|0.00:0.00 s) <:10> (580.8K 15.2M = 15.7M) [0].
  | |
  | |-[16.77] # 0 {-2583.76} --- 1 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <83:1194> {3674:1155} (6.5M 720.3M = 726.8M) [0].
  | |   |We should meet Abrams on Monday.| {-53.87|-55.97|0.00|-4.60|-4.44} <1.00>
  |< |Vi skal møte Ask på mandag.| (10) --- 8 x 8 x 8 = 2 [8]
  |@ |We should meet Abrams on Monday.|
  |@ |Vi shall meet Abrams on Monday.|
  |> |We should meet Abrams on Monday.| {0.62} <1.00> (0:0:0).
  |> |We must meet Abrams on Monday.| {0.55} <0.49> (0:1:0).
  |= 1:0 of 1 {100.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 1 {100.0} <1.00 1.00|1.00 1.00>.

The first line is the input sentence, followed by three hyphens (—) and the number of readings returned by the analysis grammar. The remaining numbers on that line are timing and memory measures; see the [incr tsdb()] manual. Subsequent lines show results from running each output, in turn, through downstream components, using tree-like `branch’ lines and indentation to indicate the flow of control. The third line states that the first parsing output (# 0) had 2 transfer outputs, of which (in turn) the first gave rise to one generator output. Upon successfull completion of generation, all realizations are presented, one per line, each followed by various probabilistic scores and, where applicable, a sentence-level BLEU score against the reference translation(s). For each new branch, the initial number in square brackets is the elapsed real time since the start of translating this sentence, i.e. at time [8.31] we started transfer for the second (of a total of eight) parsing results.

Once all combinatorics has been explored for one input, there follows a block of summary lines. The first (prefixed by |< repeats the Norwegian input string, followed by two numbers (2 [8] in this case): there were a total of 8 translations output from all branches, of which 2 are actually distinct strings. Next, prefixed by `|@’ follow(s) the reference translation(s); note that it is legitimate to use the `batch’ script without reference translations, in which case this block in the fan-out log file will be supressed. Next follow, one per line, the various unique translation candidates, ordered by their combined, end-to-end re-ranker score; each such candidate is followed by its combined score (in braces), sentence-level BLEU score (in angle brackets), and (in parentheses) an index into the branching process in terms of parse, transfer, and realization output identifiers. Finally, the last line in the example above (prefixed by |=) is a running, accumulated coverage summary on the current input file:

  |= 1:0 of 1 {100.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 1 {100.0} <1.00 1.00|1.00 1.00>.

All i:j pairs of numbers are in terms of full vs. fragmented analyses, i.e. at this point (translating item # 1 from sample.txt), there were 1 full and 0 fragmented parser outputs for an analysis coverage of 100%. following are transfer and generation coverage, each relative to the number of available inputs (full or fragmented) to that component. The final number, following the @ sign, is accumulated end-to-end coverage, aka (in some sense) the product of the three individual coverage numbers, or, in other words, the number of inputs that went all the way through the system successfully.

BLEU Scores

The BLEU scoring script is integrated in the fan-out batch script (and in CVS). In the fan-out log, BLEU scores are printed in angle brackets, e.g.

  |We must meet Abrams on Monday.| {-53.34|-56.58|0.00|-5.45|-5.36} <0.49>

Additionally, the running summary lines include the average document-level BLEU score, once averaged over all inputs, once averaged over only those for which the system produced one or more outputs, e.g.

  |= 3:0 of 3 {100.0+0.0}; 3:0 of 3:0 {100.0 0.0}; 3:0 of 3:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 3 of 3 {100.0} <0.94 0.94|1.00 1.00>.

Here, the first pair of numbers is for the top-ranked system outputs, i.e. taking into account the end-to-end re-ranker performance. As in our sample session all three outputs succeed end-to-end (i.e. produce at least one output), the document-level and output-level averages are identical, 0.94 in this case. Finally, the second pair of BLEU scores assumes an oracle ranker, i.e. for each input will score the output with the maximal sentence-level BLEU value; in our current example, for all three inputs there was at least one translation that exactly matched one of the reference translations, hence the oracle BLEU averages are 1.0, both when computed for the entire document and when averaged only for inputs that actually succeeded (again, these were all in this tiny example).

Post-Processing of Output

The format used for printing candidate translations in fan-out log files preserves some debugging information that is useful for analysis purposes but should be eliminated when extracting translations for evaluation, i.e. for the purpose of human judgments. Specifically, output strings can include fragment boundaries (||), omission marks (…), and unknown word delimiters (/ … /). For example:

  |> |Hallingskarvet and Finse || /1:50/ || 000| {0.88} <0.00> (0:0:0).


  |> |... || On || There may be a little chilly one || At this time of the year| {0.69} <0.00> (0:3:5).

Post-processing of system outputs amounts to removing these marks. The LOGON tree includes a script to perform this task (and others). For example, assuming the two sample outputs above occured in a fan-out log file named logon.mark.07-11-18.fan, the following command can be used to (a) extract translations with debug information stripped and (b) suppress intermediate processing information, e.g. eliminate the detailed presentation of each fan-out branch and only show the summary lines:

  $LOGONROOT/summarize -o all logon.mark.07-11-18.fan

The result for the two examples assumed here will be:

  |> |Hallingskarvet and Finse 1:50 000| {0.88} <0.00> (0:0:0).


  |> |... On There may be a little chilly one At this time of the year| {0.69} <0.00> (0:3:5).

Note that, by default, the summarize script will only show results for input blocks that actually succeeded in end-to-end translation. To ask for outputs of all blocks, including those without any translations, add the –all command-line option to the example invocation above. Finally, note the all argument to the -o option in our example, which requests that for each block all unique translations that were computed be included in the summary. To limit output to only a subset of n-best translations, replace all with the desired n, for example to only show the top-ranked five translations for each input block (and to also include blocks that failed), use:

  $LOGONROOT/summarize --all -o 5 logon.mark.07-11-18.fan

Resource Consumption

The LOGON demonstrator is comprised of three heavy-duty components. The parser, transfer component, and generator, each, will at times grow to multiple gigabytes in process size. The system will likely fail miserably when computing resources, specifically main memory, are insufficient. The current (January 2007) release of the LOGON software should run on sufficiently modern x86 Linux installations with either 32- or 64-bit kernels (always using 32-bit mode, though). A site-specific Lisp license file is required (see the installation instructions). We would recommend against running the system on machines with less than, say, six gbytes of main memory. In order to use parallelization of batch processing (e.g. using the –count switch to the batch script), twelve or more gbytes of RAM and at least two cpus should be available.

Last update: 2008-11-30 by StephanOepen [edit]