LUI Constituent Trees
Grammars often produce numerous tree structures for any input parsing or generation request. When a parse is performed, LUI displays a summary containing one tree per reading assigned by the grammar. The summary view looks like this:
Depending on personal preferences, the summary view of the trees may be too small for intensive work. Clicking on a tree’s background pulls that tree out into its own window, and enlarges it:
Nodes in trees highlight when the user mouses over them, indicating that the mouse buttons are active. The nodes in the summary and detail views function identically; the only difference is size. Left-clicking on a tree node brings up the associated AVM; right-clicking requests a popup-menu with the following choices:
Menu Item | Description |
Full AVM | Brings up the AVM associated to this node, before the grammar’s restrictor has been applied. |
Local AVM | Brings up the AVM associated to this node, after the grammar’s restrictor has been applied. |
Chart Edges | Highlights the edges used in or built on this node in a parse chart browser. |
Partial Chart | Opens a parse chart browser containing only those edges used in or built on this node. |
Generate | Attempts to generate sentences using the grammar whose semantics match those of the selected node. |
Rephrase | Same as Generate, but also applies transfer rules to the semantics (?). |
Simple MRS | Opens an MRS browser for the simple view of the semantics of this node. |
Indexed MRS | Opens an MRS browser for the indexed view of the semantics of this node. |
Scoped MRS | Opens an MRS browser for the scoped view of the semantics of this node. |
Dependencies | Displays the dependencies view of the semantics of this node. |
Last update: 2011-10-09 by anonymous [edit]