Mike: Facilitate contributing to projects they are not developers for. Good for remain in touch about their developments.
Emily: have more standardized ways of storing the resources, not necessarily only the bugs.
Mike: Open source is not only about seeing bugs, but also about contributing. The idea for bug trackers is not only useful for programs, but also grammars and other resources.
Bart: Maybe it’s most useful for larger projects.
Bernd: Many bugs are not reported in the PET bug tracker. Most feedback is done on a personal basis. If the tracker would be used more consistently, more bugs might be resolved.
Peter: The account is a problem.
Emily: Centralisation would help.
Stephan: in general, we have been taling about interacting. Would a better platform help our communication? I feel that we have improved on this dramatically in the last years. A central system would indeed be good. There are existing infrastructures, however.
Bart; It only helps if no parallel infrastructures exist.
Bernd/Emily: Notifications in sucha system would be important.
Mike: re-assigning bugs shuld be possible.
Bart: It’s not only bugs, but also documentation, code hosting etc. We should centralise everything.
(Stephan lists all sites, and ways to keep track of them).
Emily: is positive about a central place.
Francis: OpenIDs!
Stephan: You can also only centralise the account information, but not the bug trackers. DFKI, Oslo, and Washington will investigate this.
Last update: 2011-10-09 by anonymous [edit]