Preliminary notes of the DELPH-IN tools discussion at the Saarland meeting

Mike, presenting the following tools:

  • STAG
  • pyDelphin
  • DTM Converter (bi-lexical syntactic and semantic dependencies)

Other tools can be added to the Wikipage.

Demo of the converter

  • Woodley proposes a newline after the MRS

Demo of STAG

Dan: Hope that the tools are added to ToolsTop. Putting in the links would be helpful.

Discussion after Mike’s presentation on statistical transfer

Question: Who has an active interest in deep MT?

Yi: general question: We have realized that graph alignment is difficult to acheive. How far away is the DMRS strucure from the tree? If it is not so far from the tree, tree to tree transfer could be easier to do. when tree structures are close, we could get good aligmnent.

Mike: take out cycles in MRSs

Ann: Are there cycles in MRSs?

Glenn: “The dog whose toy the cat bit barked.” (from the DMRS paper…) Not a cycle, but introduces an EQ link.

Ann: Apart from this example it is not a problem.

Last update: 2013-08-06 by StephanOepen [edit]