There are several ways to increase the performance of DELPH-IN grammars during parsing and generation.

This page attempts to give a rough idea of how to tweak your grammar for better performance. As people add new techniques, please link them here.

This page aims to document DELPH-IN techniques. It was started by Francis, inspired by the Capitol Hill Grammar Engineering Meeting and based on a page originally written for Jacy (JacyPerformance).

Table of Contents

Things to tweak for overall performance

Quick Check

Quick check is a method where paths where unifications likely to fail are checked first, for efficiency. Which unifications are likely to fail are found by preprocessing a text and seeing which points of failure are common.

The canonical reference is:

Robert Malouf, John Carroll and Ann Copestake. Efficient feature structure operations without compilation. Natural Language Engineering, 6(1). 29-46. 2000.


The file is read in flop.set:

postload-files := "pet/qc".

To make the file, ensure:

  • you are using compatible versions of flop and cheap
  • your grammar is up-to-date

See e.g., ${JACY}/utils/make-qc.bash

mv pet/qc.tdl pet/qc.tdl.old
flop japanese
cat testfile | cheap -limit=100000 -packing -compute-qc=pet/qc.tdl japanese;
flop japanese

The testfile must be segmented (e.g., for Japanese)

grep -v '#' testsuites/mt-test-set-1.txt | chasen -F "%m " > testfile

After you have made the quick check file, you need to rebuild the grammar.

Note: This is slow, as quick-check is, off course, turned off. In general, you should use the mode you would normally use (e.g. with packing if you use packing).

The file is read in when you flop, so add the following to flop.set

;; list of files to load after everything else

postload-files := "pet/qc".

;; `pseudo' types outside the type hierarchy. these are ignored for
;; appropriateness, expansion etc.
pseudo-types := 
  $qc_unif_trad $qc_unif_set $qc_subs_trad $qc_subs_set
  $qc_unif_trad_pack $qc_unif_set_pack $qc_subs_trad_pack $qc_subs_set_pack.


The PET quickcheck file can also be used by ACE.

ACE also has a native quickcheck format, which is read with:

quickcheck-code           := "../ace/ace-erg-qc.txt".

ACE can also produce its quickcheck paths, but currently it is not made available as a run-time option. In order to produce quickcheck files from ACE, recompile the ACE code with the gen_qc in ‘chart.c’ option set to 1, then use that grammar to parse some sentences. At the end, the quickcheck lines will be printed to stderr.

Note that ACE wants to parse with the same version of the software that was used to compile a grammar, and the quickcheck producer (being a very experimental feature) does not work well with grammar compilation, so you can compile first with gen_qc=0 to produce a version of ACE for compiling your grammar, then again with gen_qc=1 to produce the version of ACE used for parsing.


See Copestake (2002: pp 196–197).

The file is read in lkb/script:

(lkb-load-lisp (this-directory) "checkpaths.lsp" t)

It is made as follows:

mv lkb/checkpaths.lsp lkb/checkpaths.lsp.old

and then from within the *common-lisp* buffer:



  • It would be nice to share the format between PET, LKB and ACE (or convert)
  • It may be worth doing a grid search to optimize how many quick check paths should actually be checked.
    • around 50-60 seems to be ideal
    • ACE does something like this

Key Arguments

You can gain some performance increase by setting the order in which the daughters of rules are checked (Oepen & Carroll 2002: pp 204–206). The order can be specified in the grammar (used by the LKB, ACE and PET) or in the configuration files for the LKB and PET.

  • In the grammar

Use KEY-ARG and specify it per-rule:

binary_rule_left_to_right := rule &
  [ ARGS < [ KEY-ARG + ] , [ KEY-ARG bool ] > ].

This can then be combined with a rule:

hcomp_rule := binary_rule_left_to_right & head_comp_phrase.
  • In the LKB configuration file


(defparameter *rule-keys*
    (KARA-MADE-RULE . 2)
    (HEAD_SUBJ_RULE . 2)
    (HEAD-ADJUNCT-RULE2 . 2)))
  • In the PET configuration file


;; assoc (rules -> keyarg position) (alternative to KEY-ARG mechanism)
rule-keyargs := 

Key mode in cheap is set with:

`-key=n' --- select key mode (0=key-driven, 1=l-r, 2=r-l, 3=head-driven)

The default is 0.

You get the data by creating two profiles one with -key=1 and one with key=2, turning on -rulestats. First enable [Process,switches:write rule relation] in [incr tsdb()]. Use the mode you would normally use (e.g. with packing if you use packing).

Then [Analyze:rule table] for both profiles and you want to check the daughter with the least number of active edges (the passive edges should be the same modulo memory overflow errors).


  • This would be nice to automate
  • It would be nice to share the config between PET and the LKB (or convert)

Spanning Only Rules

You can set rules to only apply over the entire span. The configuration file syntax for PET is:

spanning-only-rules := $frg-np $frg-pp $frg-s-adv $frg-i-adv
                       $frg-pp-np $frg-i-adv-np $frg-pp-int 

In the ACE config file, a similar option has the same effect (note the lack of $’s):

spanning-only-rules :=
  aj-r_frg_c np-aj_frg_c np-aj_rorp-frg_c
  pp-aj_frg_c j-aj_frg_c np_nb-frg_c np-cl_numitem_c.

In the LKB, the equivalent is:

(defparameter *spanning-only-rules*
  '(aj-r_frg_c np-aj_frg_c np-aj_rorp-frg_c
    pp-aj_frg_c j-aj_frg_c np_nb-frg_c np-cl_numitem_c))

In one experiment with Jacy, specifying spanning only rules reduced the number of tasks by 7% and speeded things up by 5%.

Trigger Rules for Generation

You can control when to add lexical entries with empty semantics to the generator chart using trigger rules. If they were all added all the time then the chart would get too big.

See LkbGeneration for more discussion (note that trigger rules also work with Ace).

Don’t copy things you won’t use

In general, you do not want to copy up all the information from lower nodes in the tree to upper nodes (unless they are specifically linked with a re-entrancy). You can control what is not copied with deleted daughters. The Matrix sets this to ARGS HEAD-DTR NON-HEAD-DTR DTR. If you add any more daughters, you should list them here.

Some examples from the ERG’s ACE config:

deleted-daughters := 

parsing-packing-restrictor := 


Ubertagging is the process of supertagging over ambiguous tokenisation. This process filters the lexical lattice prior to full parsing according to a statistical model. It is especially sueful for long sentences.

See the Uber Tagging page for more details.

Ubertagging is available for PET and ACE, but needs some set up and training over a corpus.

Things to do to reduce noise during grammar engineering

You can have too many rules, some of which can be annoying if you are focusing on a different phenomenon. In that case, comment them out and recompile/reload the grammar. For example, comment out the fragment rules if you only care for full sentences.

You can also do this with a masking file (so you can have sets of things you want to ignore). E.g., from the ERG:

cl-cl_runon_c := never_unify_rule.

never_unify_rule := rule &
  [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD no_head & [ MINORS.MIN never_unify_rel,
                                      PRD + ],
    ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD no_head & 
                                   [ MINORS.MIN never_unify_rel,
                                     PRD - ] ] > ].

It is worth checking your chart occasionally for chunks you don’t ever want, and see if you can get rid of unnecessary edges (dark matter). Removing these will make your life easier and make things run faster. You need to not be afraid of the chart! It can help to get another person to look together. Testing with generation is another good way to spot these.

Also, don’t be afraid of taking some low frequency very ambiguous things out (e.g. letter I for English, Hiragana “tooth” for Japanese) until you are really trying for very high coverage.

Things that magically just happen

Ambiguity Packing

See PetSelectiveUnpacking.

Packing under Generalization

ACE extends packing under subsumption to allow two edges to pack even when neither subsumes the other, under some circumstances. Woodley calls this packing under generalization (i.e. an AVM is constructed that subsumes both).

This can lead to confusing edges in the chart, so it can be a good idea to turn it off when debugging:


Last update: 2022-12-19 by John Carroll [edit]