Page Status

This page presents user-supplied information, hence may be inaccurate in some details, or not necessarily reflect use patterns anticipated by the [incr tsdb()] developers. This page was initiated by FrancisBond; please feel free to make additions or corrections as you see fit. However, before revising this page, one should be reasonably confident of the information given being correct.

Distributed Processing


  1. Page Status
  2. Distributed Processing
    1. CPU definitions
    2. Activating CPUs

Parsing in [incr tsdb()] (see ItsdbTop) can be distributed over several machines. This is done over the parallel virtual machine (PVM) interface.

Client processors are called cpus. Each cpu is usually described in terms of a host (node in the pvm virtual machine that is used to run the client), the command to start the client (i.e. a binary executed on the remote machine), optional startup options, and one or more class identifier(s) used to refer to individual cpus or cpu groups; [incr tsdb()] cpu descriptions can include additional information like the custom data passed to the client on test run creation and completion.

A new [incr tsdb()] client (or client task) is created each time a cpu is activated (or initialized); activating a cpu here means to request (from the pvm daemon responsible for the node in question) that the command associated with the cpu be executed; after process creation the client itself is responsible for registration with the [incr tsdb()] server (typically through execution of the slave() function presented) a client process on some node in the virtual machine that the [incr tsdb()] can communicate with by virtue of the application program interface.

CPU definitions

Usually, users will have a set of [incr tsdb()] cpus to choose from; when preparing for a test run, a selection from the set of available cpus is made to create clients as needed. The per-user configuration file ~/.tsdbrc (see ItsdbCustomization) can be used to enumerate a list of cpus (similar to the pvm node listing in the ~/.pvm_hosts file).

(setf *pvm-cpus*
    :host "" :class '(:cheap :cheap@ld)
    :spawn "/proj/perform/lbin/cheap"
    :options '("-tsdb" "/proj/perform/lingo/current/english.gram"))
    :host "" :class '(:cheap :cheap@ld)
    :spawn "/proj/perform/lbin/cheap"
    :options '("-tsdb" "/proj/perform/lingo/current/english.gram"))
    :host "" :class :one
    :spawn "/proj/perform/lbin/cheap"
    :options '("-tsdb" "-one-solution" "-default-les" 
    :host "" :class :lkb
    :spawn "/proj/perform/nacl/bin/acl"
    :options '("-L" "/proj/perform/lkb/startup")
    :create "/proj/perform/lingo/current/lkb/script")))

Sample definition of [incr tsdb()] cpus (taken from a user .tsdbrc file): the class name(s) chosen — at least in some cases — reflect the client type as well as the node used to run the client.

Activating CPUs

* You can start a cpu as follows (in the *common-lisp* buffer:

(tsdb::tsdb :cpu :cheap :file t)

* You can start 2 instances of a cpu as follows (useful if you have machines with multiple cpus):

(tsdb::tsdb :cpu :nihongo :file t :count 2)}

* You can list all available cpus (as defined in *pvm-cpus* with:

(tsdb::tsdb :cpu :list)

The full set of possibilities is

(tsdb::tsdb :cpu [ name ] [ :file string ] [ :reset bool ] [ :count n ]
           [:active]  [:help] [:kill]

* :cpu [ name ] list or activate [incr tsdb()] cpus; keyword is a class name (used in the cpu definition) that identifies which client(s) to start;

* [ :file string ] write client output to file string (defaults to /tmp/pvm.debug.user’ — where user’ is the active account name; `t’ as the :file argument means client output goes to standard out).

* [:reset boolean] defaults to `t’ and shuts down all existing cpus before initialization; set to nil to add new clients while keeping the exisiting ones

* [:count n] defaults to `1’ and determines the number of instances of the cpu to be started;

* [:active] or no keyword argument lists currently active clients;

* [:list] provides a summary of all available client definitions;

* [:kill] shuts down all existing clients; this makes the [LKB LkbTop] the default client.

(setf *process-raw-print-trace-p* t) will make the print-out while going through a test run look nicer.

Last update: 2012-08-07 by StephanOepen [edit]