
  1. SEM-I
    1. Sections
      1. variables
      2. properties
      3. roles
      4. predicates
    2. .smi file syntax
          1. Notes
    3. Including Files
  2. Implementation
    1. Redefined Predicate Hierarchies
  3. Proposals

A SEM-I, or SEMantic-Interface, is a description of the semantic structures output by the grammar, and may include entries for variables, properties, predicates, and roles. SEM-Is can be useful for validating the semantic output of grammars without having to load the entire grammar.

A related, but separate, component is the Variable Property Mapping (VPM), which maps grammar-internal variable types, properties, and property values into grammar-external ones. A SEM-I describes the valid grammar-external values, and hence the primary VPM for a grammar is conventionally called semi.vpm.

Note for Developers

As of March 2016, the 1.0 version of the SEM-I is available, which introduces support for predicate hierarchies among other changes. Previous iterations of SEM-Is were underexploited and are not described in the primary text of this wiki.


There are four sections in a SEM-I:


Define variable type, their hierarchical relations, and allowed properties. E.g.:

   1 u.
   2 i < u.
   3 e < i : PERF bool, PROG bool, MOOD mood, TENSE tense, SF sf.


Define allowed property values and value hierarchies. E.g.:

   1 bool.
   2 + < bool.
   3 - < bool.


Define allowed predicate roles and constraints on values. E.g.:

   1 ARG0 : i.
   2 RSTR : h.
   3 CARG : string.


Define the predicate hierarchy and predicate synopses (required and optional roles and constraints on role values). E.g.:

   1 _a+little_q < abstract_q : ARG0 i { NUM sg }, RSTR h, BODY h.
   2 _accuse_v_of : ARG0 e, ARG1 i, ARG2 p, [ ARG3 i ].

Predicate entries may be divided among several files. One file may contain just the hierarchical relations (e.g. hierarchy.smi in the ERG 1214), another for abstract predicates (e.g. abstract.smi), and another for surface predicates (e.g. surface.smi). Some very top-level, perhaps extragrammatical, entries may appear in the main .smi file as well (e.g. erg.smi).

.smi file syntax

The .smi files (e.g. erg.smi, hierarchy.smi etc.) use a simplified (non-TDL) syntax to characterize notions of inheritance (e.g. specializations of predicates) and appropriateness (e.g. the frame of arguments and associated value constraints associated with each predicate). Here is a descriptive example:

   1 ; comments begin with semicolons
   3 ; sections begin at column 0 and are followed by a colon
   4 variables:
   5   ; definitions (by convention) are indented
   6   ; entries end in .
   7   u.
   8   ; inheritance is specified by < with supertypes delimited by &
   9   i < u.
  10   ; features/properties follow : and are delimited by ,
  11   x < i & p : PERS person, NUM number, GEND gender, IND bool, PT pt.
  13 predicates:
  14   ; variable property constraints are bound by { and }, and are delimited by ,
  15   _acclimitization_n_1 : ARG0 x { NUM sg, IND - }.
  16   ; optional roles are bound by [ and ] (note that commas appear outside of [ and ])
  17   _advance_v_1 : ARG0 e, ARG1 i, [ ARG2 i ], [ ARG3 i ].
  19 ; external files can be included
  20 ; sections in included files are merged with sections in the main file
  21 include: surface.smi

This BNF describes the general syntax (whitespace is allowed around tokens):

   1 SEMI        := (Section | Include | EOL)*
   3 Section     := "variables"  ":" EOL (Variable | EOL)*
   4              | "properties" ":" EOL (Property | EOL)*
   5              | "roles"      ":" EOL (Role | EOL)*
   6              | "predicates" ":" EOL (Predicate | EOL)*
   8 Include     := "include"    ":" Filename EOL
  10 Variable    := VarType  VarParents? VarProps?  "." EOL
  11 Property    := PropType PropParents?           "." EOL
  12 Role        := RoleName ":" VarType            "." EOL
  13 Predicate   := PredType PredParents? Arguments "." EOL
  15 VarParents  := "<" VarType  ("&" VarType)*
  16 PropParents := "<" PropType ("&" PropType)*
  17 PredParents := "<" PredType ("&" PredType)*
  19 VarProps    := ":" PropVal  ("," PropVal)*
  20 Arguments   := ":" Argument ("," Argument)*
  22 PropVal     := PropName PropType
  23 Argument    := RoleVal | "[" RoleVal "]"
  24 RoleVal     := RoleName ArgValue Constraints?
  25 ArgValue    := VarType | "string"
  26 Constraints := "{" PropVal ("," PropVal)* "}"
  28 VarType     := Identifier  # e.g., x, h
  29 PropType    := Identifier  # e.g., +, subjunctive
  30 PredType    := Identifier  # e.g., _dog_n_1, mofy
  32 RoleName    := Identifier  # e.g., ARG1, RSTR
  33 PropName    := Identifier  # e.g., TENSE, PT
  35 Identifier  := /[^ ]+/
  36 Comment     := /;.*/
  37 EOL         := Comment? "\n"
  • Filename is not defined above; it is an unquoted path on your filesystem. Unlike regular entries, :include statements do not end in a dot (.).
  • VarType, PropType, and PredType could be more restrictive than Identifier but I do not do this. Generally these strings are all lowercase.
  • RoleName and PropName, similarly, could be more restrictive than Identifier but I do not do this. Generally these strings are all uppercase.
  • When VarParents, PropParents, or PredParents is empty, it may be assumed that the entries inherit from a top symbol, like *top*.
  • VarType, PropType, and PredType define hierarches through their *Parents production, but these exist in their own hierarchies (so, for instance, there may be a property person and a predicate person but these do not collide).

Including Files

The directory of an including file is used as the parent directory of the included file (i.e. the filename is relative). Thus, given the following directory structure:


The start.smi file can include next.smi and a1.smi like this:

   1 include: next.smi
   2 include: subdir/a1.smi

And then a1.smi can subsequently include a2.smi like this:

   1 include: a2.smi


Details concerning the implementation of SEM-Is in a grammar processor go here.

Redefined Predicate Hierarchies

When a predicate’s hierarchical relationship is redefined (with the < operator), subsequent definitions should completely override previous definitions. This allows users of a grammar to dynamically make changes to a SEM-I (e.g., for use in some application) without having to rewrite the grammar.

For example, with the ERG 1214 release, there is a quantifier hierarchy that has existential_q as a relatively high-level node with many subtypes. In translation, one may use such a type for an underspecified quantifier, but this type may be too broad (e.g. for an MRS about dogs barking, you might get “Dogs bark.”, “The dogs bark.”, “Those dogs bark.”, “Some dogs bark.”, “Many a dog barks.”, etc.). To restrict the hierarchy so there’s a quantifier predicate that only generates “The dogs bark.”, “The dog barks.”, “A dog barks.”, and “Dogs bark.”, one could rewrite the hierarchy by including an additional SEM-I file as follows:

   1  predicates:
   2    def_udef_a_q < existential_q.
   3    def_explicit_q < def_udef_a_q.
   4    def_implicit_q < def_udef_a_q.
   5    udef_q < def_udef_a_q.
   6    _the_q < def_udef_a_q.
   7    _a_q < def_udef_a_q.

Here, def_udef_a_q is the supertype that will generate those 4 sentences.


  1. Linking preds that differ by sense (e.g. number of arguments, like “he ate” vs “he ate a banana”), or mass/count distinctions (“every paper” vs “all the paper”). This is not trying to recreate something like WordNet.
  2. Making the semantics of the computed hierarchy visible (
  3. Improve or remove argument optionality marking ( and

  1. Use the relevant sections of the SEM-I to encode the preferred serialization order of roles (currently done by *feat-priority-list* in mrsglobals.lsp) and properties (currently done by the VPM).
  2. Encode the semantic effects of phenomena like control. E.g.,
    • _try_v_1 : ARG0 e, ARG1 i:INDEX #1, ARG2 h:XARG #1. ; subject control _force_v_1 : ARG0 e, ARG1 i, ARG2 i:INDEX #1, ARG3 h:XARG #1. ; object control
  3. Encode constraints relations (HCONS and ICONS) somewhere? E.g.,
    • constraints:

        qeq < hcons.
        info-str < icons.
        non-topic < info-str.
        non-focus < info-str.
        focus < non-topic.
        topic < non-focus.
  4. Specify which predicates can take a constant argument. The SEM-I specifies CARG as a role that takes a string, but this never shows up in any predicates, and those that can take a CARG (like named in the ERG) do not otherwise indicate that they can. The simplest proposal is to just put CARG in the synopses:

    • named : ARG0 x { IND + }, CARG string.
  5. In a more radical departure from the current spec, could we consider swapping the ordering of predicates and synopses such that predicates with the same synopsis get grouped together? Below I’ve called the section “frames” because “synopses” sounds odd outside of a “predicates” section. There are some benefits to doing it this way: (1) semantically-similar predicates are logically grouped so you can see how many follow a pattern, (2) it’s easier to insert comments for documentation about semantic patterns, (3) it makes it easier to have a SEM-I be a curated resource rather than a generated one (which may be beneficial if, as we’ve seen for indicating argument optionality and enumerating property constraints, the auto-generation of synopses can be inaccurate), and (4) reduced file size (synopses are not repeated). A downside might be that you no longer see related predicates together (such as _canadian_a_1 and _canadian_n_1), or multiple synopses for the same predicate (but we shouldn’t expect that, right?).

    • frames: ARG0 e, ARG1 p: _a+few_a_1. _a+good+many_a_1. _agree_v_on. _apologize_v_1. _apply_v_to. _babble_v_about. _chat_v_1. _complain_v_to-about. _consult_v_about. _converse_v_about. _disagree_v_1. _lie_v_1. _many+such_a. _range_v_1. _several_a_1. _some_a_1. _speak_v_to. _talk_v_about. _write_v_to. ARG0 e, ARG1 x: …

Last update: 2019-04-22 by MichaelGoodman [edit]