You can run INDRA using Answer Constraint Engine (ACE) (see AceTop).
INDRA can be compiled using the following command.
$ ace -g ace/config.tdl -G ind.dat
When parsing sentences, the Linguistic User Interface (LUI) can be invoked by using an option -l (see AceOptions and LkbLui).
$ ace -g ind.dat -l
You can use the YY mode for your input of parsing.
Option -T is used to show MRSes and option -f to format each EP on its own line when printing MRSes. For example, to see the MRSes for anjing menggonggong “dogs bark”:
$ echo "anjing menggonggong" | ace -g ind.dat -Tf
Option -e is used to generate all possible sentences from the MRSes.
$ echo "anjing menggonggong" | ace -g ind.dat -Tf | ace -g ind.dat -e
Last update: 2015-07-05 by DavidMoeljadi [edit]