FSPP (Finite-State PreProcessor) provides the simple standard preprocesser for use with DELPH-IN software tools and grammars. The preprocessor is available both as a stand-alone executable (SafFsppStandAlone) as well as an embedded module in the LkbTop and [in progress…] an embedded module in PetTop.

FSPP is initialized from a file containing finite-state rule definitions (eg. `preprocessor.fsr’). It is then fed input strings (one per sentence) as input, from which it produces standoff XML (in the SmafTop or SafTop formats) as output.

FSPP Example


Reading preprocessor rules `preprocessor.fsr'
Reading preprocessor rules `ecommerce.fsr'
Reading preprocessor rules `gcide.fsr'
Reading preprocessor rules `rondane.fsr'
#[X-FSPP (61 global, 434 token-level rules @ `[ \t]+')]


The dog barks.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE smaf SYSTEM 'smaf.dtd'><smaf><text>The dog barks.</text><olac:olac xmlns:olac='http://www.language-archives.org/OLAC/1.0/' xmlns='http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.language-archives.org/OLAC/1.0/ http://www.language-archives.org/OLAC/1.0/olac.xsd'><creator>x-preprocessor 1.00</creator><created>11:12:02 4/19/2006 (UTC)</created></olac:olac><lattice init='v0' final='v3' cfrom='0' cto='14'><edge type='token' id='t1' cfrom='0' cto='3' source='v0' target='v1'>The</edge><edge type='token' id='t2' cfrom='4' cto='7' source='v1' target='v2'>dog</edge><edge type='token' id='t3' cfrom='8' cto='14' source='v2' target='v3'>barks.</edge></lattice></smaf>

Last update: 2006-04-19 by BenjaminWaldron [edit]