Proposals for incorporating phonological representations into LKB grammars.
Depending on the level of detail required:
- character strings “a”, “b”, “c”, …
- typed objects (e.g. French phoneme hierarchy)
articulatory feature bundles
phoneme := avm & [NASAL bool]. consonantal := phoneme & [PLACE place-of-articulation, MANNER manner-of-articulation, VOICING voicing]. vocalic := phoneme & [HEIGHT vowel-height, BACK vowel-backness, PHONATION phonation, ROUND bool]. vowel := vocalic. consonant := consonantal. glide := vocalic & consonantal.
- place: {bilabial, labiodental, dental, alveolar, postalveolar, velar, glottal, …}
- manner: {stop, trill, fricative, approximant, …}
Syllabic structure
division into segmental and suprasegmental features:
syllable := avm & [SEG segmental, SUPSEG suprasegmental].
- segmental information:
either list of segments mapped to onset-nucleus-coda structure (with possibility of unsyllabified “floating” segments)
segmental := avm & [SEGMENTS list-of-phons, ONSET list-of-phons, RIME rime]. rime := avm & [NUCLEUS list-of-phons, CODA list-of-phons].
or more simply: declare syllable with [SEG list-of-phons] or [SEG string]
suprasegmental features associated with entire syllable (problematic?)
suprasegmental := avm & [STRESS stress, TONE tone].
PHON value
List of syllables, but also PHONS attribute for flat list of (realized) phonemes or some other conveniently accessible representation.
phonology := avm &
[PHONS list-of-phons,
SYLBS list-of-syllables].
Prosodic structure
Last update: 2011-10-09 by anonymous [edit]