This page is for notes on how to make the pragmatic information, currently in CONTEXT and thus not visible in the MRS, more visible. It arises from discussions between Melanie Siegel, Ann Copestake, Stephan Oepen, Dan Flickinger and Francis Bond. This page does not necessarily accurately reflect anyone’s opinions.
Pragmatic Information in the MRS
- make all pragmatic predicates easily distinguishable
- subtypes of prag_d_rel
- coarse POS of d for discourse
- To capture the information in JACY, we would need the following relations:
prag_d_rel := arg0-relation.
speaker_d_rel := prag_d_rel &
[ARG0 index].
hearer_d_rel := prag_d_rel &
[ARG0 index].
honor_d_rel := prag_d_rel & arg123-relation.
ARG1 index, ;Honorer
ARG2 index, ;Honored
ARG3 individual]. ;Bearer
subj-honor_d_rel :< honor_d_rel.
obj-honor_d_rel :< honor_d_rel.
addr-honor_d_rel :< honor_d_rel.
empathy_d_rel := prag_d_rel & arg12-relation.
[ARG0 index,
ARG1 index, ;Empathizer
ARG2 index]. ;Empathized
Unresolved issues
- speaker/hearer scope in quotations
- best way to handle polarity in honorification
- topic
Current JACY implementation
c-indices := avm &
[SPEAKER index,
honor_rel := avm &
[HONORER index,
HONORED index,
BEARER individual].
subj-honor_rel :< honor_rel.
obj-honor_rel :< honor_rel.
addr-honor_rel :< honor_rel.
j-ctxt := ctxt &
[C-INDICES c-indices & [SPEAKER #sp],
BACKGROUND diff-list & [LIST list],
EMPATHY empathy_rel & [EMPER #sp]].
empathy_rel := avm &
[EMPER index,
EMPEE index].
Last update: 2011-10-09 by anonymous [edit]