HeGram - an HPSG grammar of Modern Hebrew
HeGram is an HPSG grammar of Modern Hebrew. It both parses and generates. It includes a small toy lexicon, which is currently being expanded via a script that generates a lexicon of about 32,000 lexical entries from the morphological processor of Hebrew (Itai & Wintner 2008).
The grammar is available for download here.
Here is a good introduction to HeGram:
HeGram also covers a variety of verbal multi-word expressions:
HeGram MWEs in HPSG (2015) proceedings
AraGram is an HPSG grammar of Modern Standard Arabic which is being developed in parallel to HeGram:
Parallel development of HeGram and AraGram in HPSG (2015) proceedings
Current developers of HeGram are:
- Shuly Wintner
- Nurit Melnik
- Livnat Herzig Sheinfux
- Tali Arad Greshler
Last update: 2016-05-11 by NuritMelnik [edit]