AraGram - an HPSG grammar of Modern Standard Arabic

AraGram is an HPSG grammar of Modern Standard Arabic. It both parses and generates. It currently includes a small toy lexicon, which is aimed to be extended in the future via generation of lexical entries from a morphological processor of Arabic.

The grammar will be available for download soon.

Here is a good introduction to AraGram:

Parallel development of HeGram and AraGram in HPSG proceedings

AraGram was developed based on HeGram, an HPSG grammar of Modern Hebrew, and the two grammars are currently being developed in parallel.

Here is a good introduction to HeGram:

Introducing HeGram

Current developers of AraGram are:

  • Shuly Wintner
  • Nurit Melnik
  • Tali Arad Greshler
  • Livnat Herzig Sheinfux

Last update: 2015-10-18 by TaliAradGreshler [edit]